Whether digital or by hand, here are the simple steps to follow to create a mind map: 1. The main purpose of this activity is organization, so you won’t want any clutter in the way. No matter which method you choose, make sure you’re starting with a completely blank slate. You could create a mind map by hand, using a piece of paper and your writing utensils of choice, or you could leverage a mind map software like MURAL, Lucidspark, Coggle, MindMeister, or Stormboard. Technically, there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to make a mind map, as long as it has the desired effect of helping you brainstorm, better organize your thoughts, or make decisions.
It’s a creative and effective way of note taking that literally maps out your thoughts.” How to Create a Mind Map “Mind mapping is an easy way to put information into your brain and to take information out of your brain. It’s the Swiss Army knife of the brain,” says Skillshare instructor Michaela M. “A mind map is the ultimate organizational thinking tool. Ultimately, all of these have a common underlying goal: applying some structure to the chaos swirling around in your head. Outlining something they’re writing, like a book, article, or presentation.Communicating ideas to teammates or students.

Brainstorming new ideas or solutions to problems.Taking notes while reading or during a lecture or meeting.People use mind maps for an array of reasons, such as: Skillshare instructor Aisha Borel shows an example of a mind map made digitally.