That's the great gift of the LEGO series as a whole, in that it consistently delivers enjoyable gaming this entry also adds improved variety and some of the better level design of recent LEGO times. Yet it's all competent, accessible and most importantly fun. Aside from a minor annoyance with the game forgetting our choice of inverted flight controls between play sessions, these made the Star Wars fanboy within this writer extremely happy.Īs is typical with LEGO games, this one isn't best-in-class with any of these play styles - 3D action platforming, shooting, flying. There are also a decent number of flying missions, in which you swoop around and blast away at Tie Fighters, base weak points or even through exciting chase sequences. This title makes confident use of cover-based gallery shooting sections, in which you pop out from cover to blast away at Stormtroopers. This can lead to puzzles where you construct switches or platforms in specific orders to traverse a tricky section, or a chosen build can be the difference between finding a special item or simply moving on to the next section. One key change to puzzles comes from multiple build options with bricks - those that have an orange shine can be used on 2 or 3 different items. With that said, The Force Awakens does move things forward a little, adding welcome variety throughout a playthrough and broadening the scope for future LEGO games. The core controls are simplistic, which makes sense for a franchise aiming for accessibility, and it's a formula that's changed relatively little. If you see LEGO bricks, you break them, and they're sometimes reconstructed to create new objects. Sizeable stages need to be navigated with a mix of jumping, puzzle solving and lots of primitive combat and block smashing. It's well constructed for a typical playthrough - relive the film, and then do a mix of challenges, replay story stages and then new levels in order to build-up the completion percentage.Īs for the gameplay, anyone that's played a LEGO game has a good idea of what to expect. Thankfully there are quickfire challenge missions that are also available for accumulating gold bricks, which can be found by running around in open areas based on the core planets and areas. Some of the unlock requirements for extras are steep, it must be said, with plenty of 'Free Play' and repeated plays needed to rack up enough gold bricks to access all levels. Pleasingly, these stages also benefit from following their own scripts, with the extra freedom enabling some interesting level design. The additional stages will give Star Wars fans some thrills, as they touch upon subplots and clarify some small aspects from the film. In addition, though, there's an introductory stage to please fans of the older movies and a series of extra levels and challenges that can be tackled afterwards. The core story campaign stretches out to over 10 levels, though a couple are stretching the film thin. In fairness, this game delivers with some clever workarounds. Though a hugely successful movie, plenty wondered whether its limited number of set pieces and action sequences would be enough for a retail LEGO release. This summer LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens joined the ranks, and it deserves credit for making the most of limited source material while also introducing some fresh ideas. It seems that as long as an IP has scope for action, it can be a LEGO game, though the success rate can vary when TT Games struggles to turn the source material into exciting gameplay. The LEGO series has been an ever-present for a number of years, covering a broad range of franchises.